SEO Leadership

The State Energy Office (SEO) or other state government office can be instrumental in increasing energy efficiency by endorsing the practice of performance contracting, increasing customer confidence and establishing a high bar for ESCO performance.

SEO Program

Establish the SEO as the source for information on energy performance contracting to lend credibility to the performance contracting process. At the simplest level, the SEO can utilize ESC services and information to establish a web-based outreach effort. In a more developed program, the SEO can provide technical services to help facility owners through every step of the process, and oversee how the ESCOs and facility owners participate in the program. Varied levels of involvement with strategies to minimize SEO costs are presented in the other Best Practices.

Further, establish a point person within the office for all performance contracting inquiries and set the stage to develop a program using ESC's resources and support as presented in the Best Practices.

State Program Administrator

An individual at the state level who will serve as the ESPC program promoter, information provider and trusted resource for all parties. The State Program Administrator should also provide oversight on construction issues and measurement and verification of the ESPC projects. ESC can provide best practices for the role of the administrator along with necessary attributes for hiring and training a qualified administrator.

Following are ESC's recommended tools and documentation in support of this ESPC best practice area: